5 financial aspects that should be taught in school

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For a long time now, we have been witnessing a grotesque spectacle taking place in the educational arena. The constant changes in the education system testify to the unfulfilled requirements of modern education vis-à-vis the challenges the world is throwing at the feet of today’s youth. We are talking here about the same youth who will create the future of any nation. So no one needs to be convinced of the relevance and importance of the problem.

In this article you will find 5 financial tiers that should be taken into account in any educational reforms.

Knowledge of taxes

The spectrum of taxes is becoming as shrouded in mystery as quantum physics or applied mathematics. Confirmation of this frightening thesis has been authenticated by the results of surveys, which clearly indicate that citizens have little idea of the source of the funds available to the government. It is impossible not to mention that these are appalling results reaching millions of compatriots who are unaware of the existing financial links between their private wallet and the pool of government funds. I believe that every citizen deserves to build an honest foundation of financial knowledge. All the more so since this demand is not in any way an exorbitant expectation, since even the simplest daily activities such as shopping for a monkeyfish involve the flow of taxes (VAT).

Recognizing market opportunities

The moment of graduation from school is often a pivotal moment imbued with a spirit of openness, courage, extremely strong-rooted motivation and a willingness to act. This is the moment when boundless confidence in oneself and in one’s abilities can result in the decision to create one’s own business. Young people should have access to this knowledge so that they are aware of how they can work, in what structures, what benefits they can derive from a given activity. I conclude that here, too, it is not necessary to prove the stimulating effects on the economy resulting from the existence of private economic creations.

Meeting reality

The world is full of opportunities. No one started a business from just reading books and exploring theories, although certainly these activities too form the solid foundation of many an enterprise. The potential of young people does not lie in the endless absorption of theory, which they have all too much of at school, but in their incredible adaptability and huge reserves of energy and willingness to work. Young people should discover the structures of financial institutions and also participate in pragmatic economic ventures, career fairs and local events focused on development in the field of economics and finance.

Financial readings

Looking at the earlier point, one apparently feels a whiff of controversy. How do books when it comes to practice?

The key to reconciling this dissonance is context, for financial literature conceals a remarkable simplicity. There are a whole multitude of books that are written in very accessible language, because they are focused on a reliable and practical message rather than on an exposition of linguistic beauty. Many authors such as Robert Kiyosaki himself present in this way the basics of economic science, the rules of the market game, concern for personal finances and a mass of interesting issues that could become the subject of entrepreneurship lessons.

Observation of the world

This is the highest dimension of practicality. It’s a dialogue in connection with the world of finance and economics around us. It’s a reflection on the functioning of exchange offices and currency exchange before the next school trip. It’s a brief reflection on electronic payments, which not a few students have implemented on their smartphones. It’s knowing the market for particular industries before choosing a college. It’s a study of how the world is moving more and more toward financialization before our eyes.

Realistically, the aspects presented are likely to remain only a utopian reality for many years to come. Nevertheless, your education or that of your children or grandchildren does not have to be based only on systemic learning. Recognizing the market, observing the world or simply implementing financial niceties into your daily dialogue is a free way to ingrain basic, and much desired, skills. Become an active tutor for your kids’ financial education!

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