Erasmus+ Sport – sesja informacyjna nt. projektów pilotażowych i działań przygotowawczych w języku angielskim 2 tygodni temu

Erasmus+ Sport – sesja informacyjna nt. projektów pilotażowych i działań przygotowawczych w języku angielskim

PPPA Sport 2024 Info Session

The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is holding an online „Sport Pilot Projects & Preparatory Actions Info Session” on 20 September 2024 to inform future applicants about how to apply to the call published on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal (

Please join 15 minutes before the opening time of the event!

When registering/connecting to the event, participants are encouraged to provide, to the extent possible, anonymised data to register and to interact during the event (corporate email address without name e.g.

Practical information


Friday 20 September 2024, 10:00 – 12:00 (CEST)


Online only




European Education and Culture Executive Agency


10:00-10:30 Opening & Introduction

Luciano di Fonzo, Acting Head of Erasmus Mundus & Sport Unit EACEA – European Education and Culture Executive Agency

Session 1

The Pilot Projects & Preparatory Actions 2024

· objectives

· themes and priorities

· expected impact

Pier-Marcello Corrado, European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture

10:30-11:30 Session 2

The Pilot Projects & Preparatory Actions 2024

· funding rules

· application and selection procedure

· projects’ administrative and financial aspects

France Dantin, EACEA
Anne Spangemacher, EACEA
Izabela Pelczynska, EACEA

Moderator: Izabela Pelczynska, EACEA, Erasmus Mundus & Sport Unit

11:30-12:00 Session 3

Q&A session

Moderator: Chiara Funari, EACEA, Erasmus Mundus & Sport Unit

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