Tajemnice oceanów – What is hiding deep down there? (Aim High Magazine #72)

urszulanki.edu.pl 7 godzin temu

Głębiny oceanu kryją w sobie aurę niepojętej tajemnicy. Niesamowite dźwięki, których źródło pozostaje nieodgadnione, budzą dreszcze i niepokój. Co skrywa się w mroku podwodnego świata? Sprawę postara się nam zgłębić Aniela Dziura, której artykuł na ten temat ukaże się we wiosennym numerze AimHigh Magazine. Zapraszamy do lektury!


What is hiding down there?

An American organisation named „National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration“ (NOAA) predicts the weather but also researches the ocean. For a long time everything had seemed normal until they started detecting strange and scary sounds. The six sounds I want to present in the article are still unidentified and scientists don’t know what their sources are.

The first of these sounds was found in 1991 and was named „Upsweep”. It was so loud that it was possible to hear it in every point of the Pacific Ocean. It sounds just like an ambulance. The most terrifying thing about it is the fact that it’s seasonal, in autumn and spring it becomes louder than in other seasons and nobody knows why. Scientists came up with a theory that the source of this sound is a volcanic activity, but it’s only a theory, not fact.

The next sound, „Train”, found six years later on the Pacific Ocean, sounds just like the train but is also similar to that of an owl. We have very little information about it, but scientists think that a huge iceberg could generate this sound, yet it’s not certain.

The name of the third one is „Slow Down”. It was discovered also in 1997. The sound is something around seven minutes long. The sound becomes quieter and quieter, till it dies down in the end. It’s very possible that a big iceberg is grinding on the seafloor but, again, it’s not sure yet.

„Whistle” is a very high note that was noticed on the Pacific Ocean that probably went a long way from the source to the place where it was noticed. Imagine hearing something like that while swimming in the sea – terrifying! Most possibly it’s just the sound made by a volcano. Maybe it’s wrong, but it’s all we have about its source.

And finally, the „Bloop”. The most famous of them all and also the most interesting. It’s very loud, a few times louder than the loudest animal sound. For a long time, scientists had thought that this sound was made by an animal. If it were an animal to make it, it would have to be much, much bigger than a whale. And whales, as we know, are the biggest animals in the world, so it would have to be HUGE. Since 2012 there’s been a new theory that this was only a huge, cracking iceberg, making a hole in the seafloor. The „Bloop” was an inspiration for many books and movies like; „Project: Monster” (a movie), „The Loch”( a book), „Fluke” (a book) and „The Swarm” (a book). Some people believe that this sound was made by a monster named Cthulhu which is sleeping in a fictional city R’lyeh.

The last sound is „Julia” found in 1999, like all of these sounds by NOAA. It was 2 minutes and 43 seconds long and was lbery, very loud. We don’t have much information about „Julia” but probably it was another iceberg. Remember, probably but not sure.

Well, all these sounds are still unidentified and there are many more mysteries, but the vast majority of the oceans are still unknown. Scientists know less than 5% of all the ocean water. I’m scared to think what is hiding deep down there. There could be anything, maybe, even a monster named Bloop.

Aniela Dziura (1a)

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